I was watching a saas-bahu drama yesterday where the whole family is good, but for one selfish man. This man is not a villain in its real sense as he does not want to harm people around him but he is just selfish, looking to serve his own purposes, not caring about others. Bingo, the game theory is in action again.
If a group of individuals looks after one another, they will all benifit and prosper more than what they could do individually. Now, if there's a black sheep, a selfish dog, in that group, he/she will gain more than the rest as long as his/her true character is veiled from the rest.
This, I think can be extrapolated to any walk of life. There is always the possibility of the one person gaining more, whenever a lots of people, united in principle, come together to save their collective asses. when I started writing this blog, I had lots of examples in my mind but my memory is fading faster than lights in a crunch cricket match where India is winning.
BT Brutes
Schlumdog: Yup, sup?
Ashutosh: mup, pup
Schlumdog: ah gupshup
now chup chup