Saturday 16 May 2009

Railway station

Today i realised that I am most relaxed and perhaps happiest at a railway station.. Lost in a sea of people, everyone judging you by your clothes, luggage, looks, accent n ticket but you don't care.. Through The uncertainty of getting on the wrong train or missing one, i am always sure of reaching my destination, sometimes in general compartment, sometimes talking it through with the tte n at a few other times letting money do the talking. The latter has been rare as initially i was careful to get a ticket and lately i just dont bother to carry enough.. I have never been a chatty guy so the journey in itself gives me time to ponder, to let my thoughts run with the only interruption being the frequent cups of tea.. Amazing experience this, on a train, without a ticket and less than sufficient cash.. What's more, i neither have my uncle's address nor my atm card.. My dad will frown if he comes to know.. Good luck to me..

Written on my way to Nagpur...

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