Friday, 19 October 2007

Ha Ha Ha

"laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and the world laughs at you"

so the world always scores... any solution?

Yes, start laughing at the world. Sadism certainly makes the world entertaining, if not a better place to bear. Don't be judgemental, just enjoy the misery if you can justify yourself laughing at it. That will, though, depend on individual levels of conscience. I say conscience because I know you can't laugh at every sa story you hear. To hell with the logic... forget everything, just laugh.

Laugh at the man who slipped off a banana peel.Laugh at chiranjeevi, who must have eloped with dozens of actresses on-screen but is disturbed when his daughter eloped in real life...Laugh at bush, for gore was right about eco-balance... Laugh at the guy whose girl dumped him...Laugh at anyone you don't feel sorry for...

Yes, I know one day I too shall be on the receiving end... but will my not laughing now help me feel less miserable then? I don't think so... moreover, world ain't gonna stop laughing anyway...

So, join the world n Just laugh :))