Tuesday 1 January 2008

New Year

Another happy new year... another excuse to party all night...

Well I wasnt in the mood and so I didn't...A friend calls up to wish me a happy new year, n ask how I celebrated... I said I did nothing, wasn't in the mood... He was shocked, speechless... "you did not celebrate new year?"... Yes, I said... I guess he still can't get to terms with it, although he's known me for like 5 years now....

I have never really understood the concept of new year the way people take it. People who are dying to obtain a foot's space at a happening place on the new year's eve, and see no point in celebrating a week later with reasonable space for the whole body... 07 becomes 08... what else... nothing changes, really. If at all there were to be a meaningful new year, I think it should be the 1st of April, financial new year. That, I believe is the only time when the last year is summarised. Of course, it's a new year for students too as they move to the next yr, well, most of them. The irony being that day celebrated as the fool's day. Life is funny...

Perhaps I'm not as detached from all this setup because I did try and explore some options. It did not work out because of the prices everywhere, which I'd pay only if I were desperate, and the assumption that every place would be flooding with people. I thought I could easily postpone the party, making it cheaper and less crowded.

Anyway, I hope this year turns out to be better than last year for you

Happy new year...

P.S.: I know I'm self-righteous

Narcissist Narmad

While shopping in lifestyle,

Ashtung: Look at the love-birds (pointing at a couple walking in front, cuddling up way too much)

Satyan: These are the kind of people who star in the 'guntur cyber cafe porn' on LAN


Twilight Fairy said...

It's funny... How you would have partied if it were possible.. but since you couldn't you begin to think if it really means anything :)

jimmy said...

1.Where in the world is the 1st of april the beginning of an academic year?
2. While you look back at your expenses and savings on the 31st of march and you look back (and be modestly proud) about your academic brilliance on the 31st of july, you remind youself that these two issues donot comprise the entire life and look back at other lighter but more pleasing things on Dec 31st.
3. For your question on why celebrate it, what are you, a shiv sainik? And why do you question for logic in conventions. They happen, thats it. Why do you celebrate padva or ugadi?

Ashtung said...

@TW: maybe, as i said, im not that detached... but i have felt this way not for the 1st time... n i have had a blast quite a few times on new yr..

@Jimmy: 1.for school students,it is

2. u could do that any day of the year, n u do that on ur bday for sure..

3. me n shiv sainik, ha ha... m not opposed to celebration, heck im always looking for an excuse to do so... all I'm saying is,I'm not desparate to celebrate on nw yr's... true it means something, but maybe for me it aint as grt as its made out to be, for one single reason that nothn really changes apart from the calendar

entwined said...

hehe...i kno exactly how that is....every year i have typical year end lows...and dont wanna do nethin big...but its not that i dont try :P....its jus tht smhow nothin works n my new year eve ends up seemin all so meaningful....
neway...wish u a happy new year...n hope ur belated party is a blast ;)

Ashtung said...

@entwined: finally... some1 who understands :P

Anonymous said...

Trust Satyan to say that. You should post an archive such semi-arbit but ah-so-hilarious quotes by Satyan in your blog.They would make one hell of a read for sure.