Friday, 3 July 2009

An office down south

A self-portrait with a story...
The story being how I would look like if I were to go to an office which were 10 kms directly south from home.* (conditions apply)

*I walk both ways and without any protection against the sun...

Bizarre Bihanis

Mom: Beta... I accept, even when i dont understand everything in ( oh one of those) K-serials... I just don't understand how can they show people entering temples with chappals...


Apurv said...

What are the *conditions that are applicable? Is there any prequel to your story? I feel I am missing something.

kay gee said...

ROFL @ the Bizarre Bihanis joke

@ apurv

missing your brain perhaps?

pratyu said...

Ha ha

Ashtung said...

@KG: eggjactly what i told him... he drank too much even for an engineer...