Saturday 27 June 2009

Doctors & Chemists



In today's world, buying medicines from a prescription slip is like delivering a steganographic letter. Even if you try to decipher it, you cant make out a single word. The best idea is to just hand it over to the chemist who knows the code and is the only guy who can crack it.


There have been incidents in history where an ignorant messenger has carried a letter containing the order for his own impalement. Times have changed. These days, a doctor's prescription can only instruct the chemist to screw the patient monetarily and that too should be only as much as he can bear and can come again for another round.


We found that its quite possible that a doctor has struck a deal with the chemist... "I handle the complicated stuff and for the common stuff, I'll just send you a diagnosis in cryptic, and you give a medication you prefer, since it's too much for me to remember the remedy to all the diseases." The parallel to this phenomenon can be found in any college where two guys decide to cheat in an exam and either one crams up half the portion.


A doctor and the chemist who owns the shop just outside the clinic can be hired for secret services as a doctor written letter can only be cracked by the chemist so this is as good a message delivery system as any.

Doctors are our best shot at finding a cure for Alzheimers too. The obvious reason being that they are, after all, doctors. Another reason is that their handwriting can form the lowest level of comprehensible jots while creating a database. Get it? They are the threshold which separates Amitji (respect warranted) in Black and my thesis guide, making sense of whose scribblings consumed half the time I had allocated to my BTP (which was about 5 days, give or take 1), and who inspired me to carry out this extra curricular research work.

Ya.. I knwo teh lsat wrod in teh prveoius praa was mis-splet but taths dyslexia, not Alzheimer's...


On a serious note, I recommend that it be made mandatory for Doctor's to start using a notepad with grids and write one letter in each cell. I have seen a doctor doing that and it works.


A few prescription slips.


Richa said...

Such systematic lampooning!! What starts as a smile in agreement to the opening lines, ends in a loud guffaw of pure appreciation at the well deserved digs!! :D

Pratik Gupta said...

new peoblem, good approach, nice solution but do u really think doc will spend 5 mins on writing prescription when they don have 2 mins for solution is have a lets have a notepad for every doc without his name and having unique code on it....
advantages: chemisit don know who is the doc writing prescription so no commision for doc.
2) random unique number wala notepad will be distributed by govt and that will help to keep check on the doc without license
3) service tax on docs can be applied with the help of notepad issued to him.

its just an idea with lots of loop holes but can be perfected with time.